Posted 10 days ago
(2025 items)
Hello I’ve just rediscovered this antique engraving, I remember that I found out that this is by a famous Dutch engraver and got some information from a Dutch museum about him , that was over 10 years ago now
Another really nice engraving!!
Steptoe1, This one gives me deja vu.
I found a near twin at alamy dot com:
View of Laurens Jansz's house. Coster [sic] on the Grote Markt in Haarlem, Hendrik Spilman, 1742 - 1784
The difference? The text at the bottom of the print on yours is in Dutch.
Thanks jscot & kera , I contacted someone in Holland years ago about this and the girl who got back said the same kind of things you wrote
Steptoe1, You're welcome; however, I kept feeling strong deja vu about this print, so I did some more digging.
You posted it three years ago, and I provided more information about it then (you still have the post below marked as an "UNSOLVED MYSTERY," so you should mark it as "MYSTERY SOLVED):
Dunno why Google Lens was being so stubborn about it.
Steptoe1, I added a retranslation of the Dutch text at the bottom of your print, this time using DeepL. See the original post.