Posted 3 days ago
(2025 items)
Hello I’ve been looking for a painting that I know I have but can’t find, and have opened a box of paintings and stuff like that, I found this and I don’t even remember finding it, I’ve not opened this box in ten years, like the others I have posted I don’t know whether this is Japanese or Chinese. The back looks antique,
Still hoping for a expert in these kind of embroidery items, I know they are a thing of the past as I don’t think they consider this as art work just old tat nowadays. But a lot of work must have gone into it.
My mother did embroidery and I can safely say this is not old tat. Unfashionable maybe, but exquisite of its time.
I don't necessarily trust Google but it says Chinese, "North Station Yannian Country"
Thanks sklo I always picked these up if I came across them as I couldn’t believe the amount of work that must go into making them,
Thanks dav
What does north station yannian country , mean ??
This mat also contains acid. The backing probably does, too.
Yeah the backing has masking tape which looks very very old
I watched a video of a few old Chinese women making these and apparently they been making these for thousands of years, amazing