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My 13th piece by Beyermann&Company!

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Recent Activity5 of 3326Beyermann&Company! My 12th piece! With an original paper label! "Parisiana B&Co"... Do you know it? Lötz color designations that can lead us astray
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    Posted 2 months ago

    (11 items)

    Here is a very rare and special piece...What is it? I have it in a stand with lightning behind, looks so nice!
    It´s 12 and 13 cm in triangle, the height is 4 cm.
    Thick glass and feels robust but very smooth. The painted decor is visible all over; a house with a sunset in the water and the common B&Co tree.
    Turqouise enamel on the water, black on the little tree and house details + white as snow on the roof. Very charming.

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