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Cincinnati & Suburban Bell Telephone Pin

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    Posted 2 months ago

    (108 items)



    This is a pin issued by C.&S. B.T.Co. I obtained a whole set of these pins in 2008. This Bell Telephone company was one of the only ones to award pins made of different metals. The set contains pins of copper, brass, bronze, sterling, white gold (or platinum?), and gold.

    The pin in the photo is silver, marked STERLING. Here is where I could use some help. I have pins just like the one shown, the same design, made of copper, brass, and/or silver. Does anybody know the difference?

    Based on some talks I had with a few veterans of the Bell System, I found they don't know either! The educated guess is the copper pins are 1 year of service, and the pins of brass are 2 years of service. So, I am led to believe the silver pins are 5 years of service or higher. I know now that the pins where the bell is inside of a triangle are for 21 years or more of service. C&S was a small regional bell operating company (RBOC),

    If anyone out there has any additional infirmation, then please let me know! Thank you for visting.

    Added the gold pin marked 14k on back. This is either the 30 year or 35 year pin, but I am not certain.
    Added the silver pin with one star under the bell. I am not sure how many years of service this pin represents, but the Telephone Pioneers triangle is featured. I got this pin way back in early 2008.

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