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Old Wire Lever bottle cap

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ACL Bottles1 of 6I.B.C. Root Beer Visniak Pop Bottle, Buffalo, NY
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    Posted 2 months ago

    (1 item)

    I found six of these in a jar at a home being torn down. I can't find any photos of these type of caps. I'm most curious of the age.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 months ago
      I see that e-bay has a number of them for sale.
    2. alexjessen, 2 months ago
      I just learned This closure was invented by George A. Williams, whom while boating on the Hudson River cut himself while trying to open a ginger ale bottle. "He then and there made up his mind to produce a cap that would be better, which could opened without a tool and would re-seal" (From a 1918 book and noted by Caniff 2015). The first patent for the closure was issued to Williams in 1906, but it wasn't until his December 10, 1907 that he was issued a patent (#873,646) for a "Bottle Cap Fastener" that the cap as shown in the images was fully fleshed out. Williams formed the Williams Sealing Corporation to produce, promote and sell the cap in 1909 (Caniff 2015). (See Caniff [2015] for more information on this closure.)
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 months ago
      Nice job finding the history. Great story too. Love how a small item can have such an interesting background.

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