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In Posters and Prints > Etchings > Show & Tell and Fine Art > Show & Tell.
Etchings1 of 259painted by e. landseer  engraved by j sartain the travelled monkey. sign Engraved for the Eclectic magazine. 1827-1872Etching after a painting by Poussin ...
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    Posted 1 month ago

    (15 items)

    I just found this at the thrift store. It looks old, the dates on the rock (third pic) are 1892-1915. I don't know if it's an etching or engraving? I can't make out the name although the first name might be Louis? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you

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    1. mp.kunst mp.kunst, 1 month ago
      This is an Etching by German painter and graphic artist Hans Thoma (1839 Bernau im Schwarzwald - 1924 Karlsruhe). with the title "Rest by the Spring Nymph II"

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