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Trying to find info on these Bibles

Reise's loves277 of 7477American Institute - The Telephone Company of New York - 1877 The Medal of ProgessSanger Telephone Company Pin
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    Posted 1 month ago

    (1 item)

    First 2 pictures are of an 1868 holy bible , however binding says only bible , also book is in poor condition but has writing beneath where the binding separated "he thought had formerly injured his health,he was permitted to difcontinue it, and was ordered to take decoction of mezereon . This plan was continued for five weeks , in which time his pains were greatly relieved . It was also signed " presented to Lizzie D. Warner by the german reformed S.S. on 12/25/1871. Near the end The Psalms of David section was still created by university press however this part was approved by the church of Scotland and printed in the London location. And finally for this one a third section at the end Translations and Paraphrases in verse from several passages of sacred scripture again approved by the church of Scotland. The second bible is from Berlin 1870 written by Dr Martin Luther, who translated it from old Greek to German. Can't find matches for covers or bindings truly any info on either.


    1. Newfld Newfld, 1 month ago
      Good luck, hope you find the answer here

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