Posted 1 month ago
(7 items)
Here are the '61-'65 Hubley Navy Fighter Bomber, #'s 495/1495
The 495 started in '56, the ones during '56-'60 had the cowlings attached in a way that caused problems.... like falling off. These have a smooth fuselage between the cowling and canopy. To fix this Hubley put a tab on the top of the cowling. But to give it a place to engage, they had to put a "hood scoop" on the fuselage.
New construction, new colors also; dk. blue/lt. blue/Red. First tri color, the best looking! Am I biased.....well YES!
Pic. 1: The '61-'63 model. There's 9 discrete versions of the 495 family, but this one means something. This is the one Granny saw me eyeing at Woolworths around '63, when I was about nine. Those Colors, that box art! She said; "You want that, Billy?" The answer was obvious and she pulled the funds from that brown change purse, that I remember so fondly. It must have had an influence, because I'm looking at 22 of 'em on a shelf at 71!
Picture 2: The box changed as well as the number, it became 1495. This was from '64-'65. Gabriel bought Hubley in '66, so this is the last true Hubley version.
These colors would still continue through '70. 1o years, the longest run.
Pic 3: The 495 evidently was popular, look who made the '61 Catalog cover. Look familiar? I've seen the icon somewhere on CW.
Pic. 4: The planes with the catalog. The 495 looks like it's bursting out of the catalog cover, it looks almost 3D!
glad to be back.
Great info,,,welcome back. I’ll tilt a Dixie Cup back to You