Posted 1 month ago
(3479 items)
These are the skeletons of some of the figures I have posted recently. Starting off the mastodon. I think this is an actual skeleton as opposed to a fossil. Might not be as large as a mammoth but still impressive. This one is not from the nearby La Brea Tar Pits but they mastodons were found in the tarpits.
Photo #3 is a Daedon or some version there of. Not a particularly one but one would not want to run into this. It has the large backbones of the Daedon, along with hooves and large jaw.
Last is a Shasta Ground Sloth. It is about 6 feet tall. It is one of the smaller of the giant ground sloths.
This wing of the museum is about 100 years old but they never quite gigured out what to do with it until recently. It is now the hall of prehistoric mammals.
Even the sloth in skeletal form looks fierce. Yikes !
6 ft. Sloth!!! Were they slow back them? He looks almost bipedal.
These are incredible!!! And yes, that sloth looks pretty fierce!!
Thank you very much Phil. It does indeed.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. There were but something went wrong since.
Thgank you very much Scott. I wouldn't have messed with one.