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Wisconsin Telephone Company Pin

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Telephones28 of 1105Denver & Ephrata Telephone Company PinThe Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Pin
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    Posted 1 month ago

    (109 items)


    I got a set of these Wisconsin Telephone pins, a 1 star; a 2 star; a 3 star; and a 4 star. The pins are different after 21 years. I don't know the exsct lineup, but I hsve variations including the Telephone Pioneers triangle, and some no triangle.

    P.S. I have never seen the 50 year, but here is my guess of years - because I don't have all of the pins : 25 year - a diamond at top with star to the right; 30 year - a diamond at top with star to the left; 35 year - a diamond at top with star to the right and a star to the left; a diamond at top in the center. 45 year? I don't know. 50 year? Hard to say.... I believe I have seen a WT Co. pin with two stars to the left of the diamond. Please let me know if you have any information!

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