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Telephone Book - 1953 Oklahoma Automatic Telephone Co.

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Reise's loves154 of 7477NGWENYA GLASS - eSWATINI - EARLY SIGNATURE -1980M40 or m42
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    Posted 26 days ago

    (109 items)


    A bit of a mystery. ??

    Definitely, the company was some sort of holding company, but who? I don't know. I have a bunch of these old telephone directories, most of them from Oklahoma and Texas. But, some of the books are from Kansas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Every directory features a different telephone company.

    The same design is used: an angel holding bolts of lightning and a telephone supplying lines and connectivity to the people. Beautiful ! Was it a Co-Op? Was it a chain of Independents? I don't know! There is the mystery! Please let me know what you might know!

    Thanks for looking!

    P.S. Stringtown has a big prison, but it is not "Big Mac" over in McAlester.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. kev123, 26 days ago
      Search Spirit of Service telephone. Maybe a clue.

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