Posted 21 days ago
(109 items)
Added the 5 year pin, the 10 year pin, the 15 year pin, and the 20 year pin. I have yet to add the 25 year pin and the 45 year pin. I have never seen the 50 year pin, nor the 55 year pin, both which have diamonds (or so I am told). These pins are very rare because they were only awarded to top executives at 195 Broadway. Please see my post from over 12 years ago to view the 30 year pin, the 35 year pin, and the 40 year pin.
Thank you so much for looking!
Thank you, vcal!
Thank you, fortapache!
Thank you, Newfld!
Thank you, OldDust!
Thank you, ttomtucker
Thank you, Tilted!
Thank you, kev123!
Thank you, rgrebov!
Thank you, dav2no1!
Very nice pin!