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West Texas Telephone Company Pin

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Telephones1 of 1034Bell System Large Round Connections Flange SignIlluminated telephone sign
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    Posted 19 days ago

    (109 items)



    Here is a pin awarded by West Texas Telephone. The pin is different because of the mint green border, where the majority of telephone pins have a blue and white color scheme.

    It was really difficult to find information about this company. To be clear, this is not Wes-Tex Telephone Co-Op, although I can understand the confusion. This pin is from a much older telephone company.
    After some research, I found this company was headquartered in Brownwood, Texas. Brownwood skirts just slightly north of Texas Hill Country.

    I have included a postcard of the telephone building where the headquarters was located. I stop for now because I only found very little information. Please let me know if you have any additional information.

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    1. DejaVu2 DejaVu2, 19 days ago
      So cool that you have the original postcard building with the Coca-Cola billboard!
    2. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 18 days ago
      Thank you, Newfld!
    3. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 18 days ago
      Thank you, kwqd!
    4. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 18 days ago
      Thank you, DejaVu2!
    5. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 18 days ago
      Thank you, kev123!
    6. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 18 days ago
      Thank you, ttomtucker!
    7. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 18 days ago
      Thank you, fortapache!
    8. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 18 days ago
      Thank you, Vynil33rpm!

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