Posted 13 years ago
(649 items)
I was very excited to find this Phänomen Genre on an older form - it's pretty rare on this shape (in context, meaning I've never seen one :)). It's a cabinet piece that measures about 4.5 inches in diameter and about 2.75 inches in height. I believe it to be Serie II Form Nr. 4354 (a smaller version of Form Nr. 616), although there is an identical shape in the catalogue of line drawings numbered 342 (alt 4359 4"), and both date from 1892, so I'm not sure which it is exactly. The line drawing references a specific set of decors for 342, and Medici is not among them, so I think this one is 616 (alt. 4354) - the line drawings for this shape do not reference any particular decor.
I wonder what appliance this rim held?... Great find and rare in this decor.
I have that shape in Creta Ructicana too, one with a cut top exactly like this, and one with a worked, polished rim and pontil. Possibly the cut rim examples had metal flower frog attachments.
Bob, I am on the lookout for a 2.5" flower frog - I think it would suit this piece well. I have this shape also in enameled Olympia and (in the larger size) Candia Papillon.
Great find!
That is So Lovely! Its like a Rainbow! :)
This is an incredibly beautiful work!!