Posted 13 years ago
(79 items)
The Victor is a beautiful Victorian typewriter with handsome decals showing the typewriter's name.
This was the first typewriter to use a daisy wheel, which would be a common design feature on 1970s typewriters. The daisy wheel is made of thin brass, cut with narrow radial fingers, one for each character. At the end of each finger is an embossed rubber character.
To operate the Victor one puts the tip of the index finger in the little cup at the end of the pointer, then swings the pointer up to a full 180 degrees to select the characters. The pointer is connected by a gear to the vertical wheel and behind this wheel is the daisy wheel. As the pointer swings, the daisy wheel rotates into position. A spring-loaded hammer then strikes the brass finger in the daisy wheel against the paper.
The daisy wheel typewriter would be a common technology in the 1970s.
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