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Gatsby Summer Afternoon - vintage luggage for picnicking

In Art Deco > Show & Tell and Womens Clothing > 1920s and 1930s Womens Clothing > Show & Tell.
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (41 items)

    This weekend, I attended the Gatsby Summer Afternoon, hosted by the Art Deco Society of California. The idea is to re-create an elegant afternoon 1920s party like the ones Jay Gatsby would host in F. Scott Fitzgerald's famed novel. Everything at the party, from the clothing to the cars, had to look or feel like the time between 1920 and the '40s pre-World War II.

    I met Katherine Comstock and Michael McClain when I entered the sprawling Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate in the Oakland, CA, hills. Katherine has the look of the '20s lady down, with the require accessories: Hat, gloves, purse, and even a parasol for the sun.

    They said they found this beautiful vintage luggage at an estate sale. When these vintage lovers stumbled upon it, "We said, 'These are our people!'" Katherine explained.

    It might seem like a lot of luggage for one picnic, but remember, no modern gear is allowed. Tupperware, paper plates, plastic soda bottles, potato chip bags, etc. are not seen at the Gatsby. Instead attendees bring glassware and china, as well as linens, silverware, and glass bottles.

    Soon enough, this old-fashioned shuttle came to pick us and all our heavy bags up.

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 14 years ago
      Sounds like a great weekend and Fabulos idea for a gathering

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