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Pallme-König - The Hütte that Laid the Golden Egg

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VioletOrange's loves4822 of 4827Harrach Neuwelt Art Nouveau Enameled glass vase, ca. 1901Josephinenhütte enameled glass bowl with applied handles and prunts, ca. 1900
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (649 items)

    In his excellent article on entitled "Pallme-König - Jugendstil's Love Affair With Shape", my friend Alfredo Villanueva-Collado writes of this firm's revolutionary use of organic shapes in its vessels while exploiting "the viscous quality of the glass", and here is an incredible example of combining shape, color, and decoration at the furnace to produce a stunning result. The last photo shows the egg-shaped vessel with a miniature pitcher in the same decor in green. The Passau Museum Collection (PMC IV.296) has an example in this shape that is threaded with contrasting colors beneath. These types of innovations are what set the Bohemian glass houses apart at a time when art nouveau artisans all over the Western world were pushing the boundaries of the imagination in artistic glass expression.

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    1. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 13 years ago
      I have a copy of Wichmann's book that is interestingly inscribed by the Editor to someone named Tony :) Abebooks is my friend. :)
    2. jericho jericho, 13 years ago
      might be kralik- this exact shape is in iris decor and white tango with an arch czech signature- respect jm
    3. Ashleycheri, 13 years ago
      yep yep.. my favorite so far of all the vases on here!
    4. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Different shape different surface I love the unusual
    5. bracken3 bracken3, 11 years ago
      WOW! You have some... beautiful... glass.
    6. cameoboy cameoboy, 7 years ago
      Good grief. After so may years . . .

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