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1950's "Not Pam" Silhoette Girl Clock, made by person's unknown!

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (385 items)

    The newest clock to my collection has just arrived,and after a quick cleaning and a change of bulbs, here it is. I believed this to be a Pam, but I was way off. Thanks to the CollectorsWeekly gang for the help setting me right on this piece! Always something new to learn!Still,this is my most fav. looking clock so far! Cheers!

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    1. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Is that now 3 lighted vintage Coca-Cola clocks Bernie?!?! Looks great and you found a nice spot to hang her. Wow, this is turning out to be a great Friday night, we're seeing some fabulous pieces being posted! Hard keeping up with you, looking good.
    2. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Hey Bernie, it is a very cool lookin clock but I'm sorry to tell you that it is what is called a re-manufactured piece. I know the guy that does makes these. The face on yours originally was on a 1941 neon octagonal 18" clock. Because a lot of the neon clocks no longer work, these dials were removed and made into Pam looking clocks.
      Sorry man! Still a cool piece in the cave though.
    3. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      If it's any comfort, the original working condition neon clocks can go for up to $4 to $5K!
    4. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the info Perry, any idea what your guy sells them for?
      I've looked alot on-line,every source calls this a Pam,but I wondered with the Trade Mark symbol where it is . Any idea on age? Any other info on this would be appreciated.
    5. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the nice comments Dave! Cheers!
    6. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Bernie, he's really just a guy I met at a show once but he had a whole booth
      full of these. I asked him where he got them, he said he made them out of spare parts. I got home and looked in the books and realized alot real fast. I'm only aware of 2 Silhoutte Girl dial clocks, one has an old school house style, with the winder at the base and the neon octagon I mentioned first. I have also gone to auctions where the original Neons went for serious money, 4 to 5 grand!
      I planned to buy a few of them but couldn't even get a bid in!
    7. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      I mis spoke, there are actually 3 different styles. There's one more Silhouette Girl clock that has a square wood frame.
    8. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      The dial is 1941 for sure, not a doubt in my mind at all Bernie.
    9. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      Thank-you Signaholic and KingSizeCoke for all your helpfull comments. I checked around and noticed a few of these before I "popped" on this one. There is one on here (C.W.)from a while back(coke1947),exact same,& he's looking for info also. There are several auction sites that have this same clock listed as Pam,and I googled many different headings to get a "feel" if this was the real deal., plus the guy was upfront & believable,he got it in the "80's at an antique shop in MA., and did not represent it as anything but what it was. What it came down to was ,I loved the look of the clock from when I first saw the other one on here, the price was right($236 delivered to the igloo), and I had a spot for it,on the wall and in my heart. To me it did'nt make sense to have the TradeMark sign where it is, but having done as much due dilligence as I could,I'm going to keep this and enjoy it,which is what collecting is for me. I appreciate everybody's input,thats what makes this site so helpfull. Thanks all,cheers!!
    10. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the love stepback_antiques, EJW-54, cckid,& oilman514!!
    11. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      It is a cool lookin piece and I must admit, I have come close to pullin the trigger on one myself a time or two. Looks great on your wall buddy!
    12. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      It does look good up there, so at least you know how the original will look when you find it!!!!
    13. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the kind words Tommy & Perry. The O/C (original clock) is only a couple of grand and years away,maybe once the kids are all edumacated!! Who knew coke collectibles and paying for 2 kids education would both be soo draining on a person! Actually, KingSizeCoke & Earlycoke knew!! The smart guys got the best stuff years ago, the rest of us have to sort through the junk/scammers/dreamers/scheamers and all sorts of sources of info that our C.W.friends here already know!! Thanks for the info, cheers!!
    14. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      BTW, Perry was this guy using vintage parts for the clocks you saw? This one is definately vintage ,the motor,cord,wiring, even the case,while not exactly like my "57 pam, shows definate age.Many things can be faked, but not years worth of bug poop and oxidization. If you are thinking the face is original,could these be worth anything on their own?Do you think maybe the Neon Products Inc. that made the orig. face for the 18" spinner,sold the faces to other companies/people, to make a smaller(15") cheaper version with-out the spinner? The clock face is the exact same as the NPI, maybe some-one copied the process they used to make the orig.?,or the co. sold the equip. used to make them,& some entrepreneur started printing them off? To me,it looks as well constucted as my other clocks, and as old. A mystery item maybe? Good thing it did'nt break the bank to get it.
    15. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      They are made with vintage parts Bernie. The Spinner and the Octagon CC 18" neons are the most valuable. From the cases to the hands and mechs. That's how they keep that antique look. Alot cheaper to buy a dial from an original clock than try and fix them. I don't think the company sold these parts, this happened within the last 10 years I believe. There are plenty of old clock parts out there whether it's a Pam clock or Dualite or whatever brand. Demand drives these re-manufactured clocks IMO.
    16. cocaguy_canada cocaguy_canada, 12 years ago
      Signaholic is wrong. This is an ORIGINAL clock made by telechron so no need to worry. The silouette girl was not only used on the spinner and octtagon clocks. Coca Cola had clocks made by several manufatures including TELECHRON
    17. cocaguy_canada cocaguy_canada, 12 years ago is a REPRO :-(
    18. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      No it isn't, you're wrong! It's a reproduction or re-manufactured piece, READ!
    19. Coke1234 Coke1234, 7 years ago
      I bought one of these clocks last year for $250 and yes it’s a reproduction but I like it . It’s well made and looks beautiful. These sell for around $350 and they are represented as reproduction clocks. One of my favorite all time coke clocks.

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