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Top Kick Bank

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (2 items)

    This is a Top Kick (piggy) Bank that was given to me by a family member many years ago (30-40 years ago). Does anyone have any information about where this bank came from, who or what does it represent. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Top Kick refers to the 1st Sergeant in Army or Marines . Brown is Army so likely Army , Top kick is nickname given to a 1st Sergeant . Hope this helps . He is just a character figure and does represent anyone person . I guess just a mad 1st Sergeant :-) He is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing him .
    2. smittyboy, 13 years ago
      Thanks Manakin. Now I know what it represents I just have to find out where it came from, who made it or how my family member may have obtained it. Maybe it was sold on a military base?
    3. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Here is one that just sold. To low I think but they did not know year either .
      Oh I meant to say he did not represent a single person Just a crabby 1 st Sergeant
      He is unique and a keeper .
    4. smittyboy, 13 years ago
      Thanks again! I contacted the seller to see what they know about it. I've never seen another one and you found one in a few hours. I'm impressed! You're good!
    5. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Your very welcome and glad you might make contact with owner of the other and they can give some history on theirs . Fingers crossed for you Smitty :-)
    6. Sgtkito1931, 13 years ago
      Hello!! I was so happy to see the same bank I have. My dad sent it to my Grandpa when he was stationed in Germany. That was in 1951 I have been trying to take a picture of it but my phone is not cooperating! If you want to e mail me I will send you a picture!!
    7. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      wow smitty sgt is able to put a year to it and maybe give you more info ! Great news . Waiting to see if more helpful info comes your way from sgt !
    8. smittyboy, 13 years ago
      Sgtkito1931 thanks for the info. The family member who gave me the bank was also in Europe. He was there a few years earlier in the early 40s during WW2. I'm getting closer to finding out about Sgt Top Kick. Thanks again.

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