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Faventia Barrel Piano

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (19 items)

    Faventia barrel piano or street piano

    I remember this being in my Grandfather's (fathers father) house when I was little. It's currently at my parents house.

    I always knew this as the "hurdy gurdy" because that's what my mom called it. After investigating it a few years back I found out that it is actually an Italian Street Organ. The donkey was broken many, many years ago by my cousins (I just told my dad how glad I was that it wasn't one of us).

    I recently gave it a quick tuning, although it needs another one. There's 2 extra rolls that I saw. Each one plays 6 different songs which are chosen on a dial on the side. Inside there's also a wood block and triangle for percussion.

    I realized when I got home that I forgot to get any information off of it to post here, so I will do that next time.

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    1. Kathycat Kathycat, 12 years ago
    2. tom61375, 11 years ago
      Beautiful, did it come with a monkey?

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