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Sunny South Florida


  1. ttomtucker Thank you for the Like(-:
  2. kerry10456 Thank you for the Love
  3. gargoylecollector & bratjdd Thank you both for the Love(-: gargoylecollector, Thank you for your comment, but I'm probably not the only one.
  4. chinablue, Thank you for the Love(-:
  5. BELLINS68, Thank you BELLINS for the Love.
  6. BELLINS68, Thank you again for the Love:-)
  7. BELLINS68, Thank you BELLINS for the Love(-:
  8. BELLINS68 & kerry10456 Thank you both very much for the Love(-:
  9. BELLINS68, Thank you BELLINS for the Love(-: Sorry for the delay.
  10. heyslugger, Thanks for the comments, but where is the Love?
  11. pw-collector, undreal, NicksCrustyStuff, miKKoChristmas11 & kerry10456 Thank you all for the Love (-:
  12. trunkman, Thank you for the Love.
  13. Manikin, Thank you for the Love(-:
  14. BELLINS68, Thank you BELLINS for the Love(-:
  15. AR8Jason, Thank you for the Love and additional information you provided. ttomtucker Thank you for the Love.
  16. kerry10456, Thank you for the Love(-:
  17. eye4beauty, What ever happened to the Good Old Days? Don't we wish that we could revisit that time and enjoy some of those things we now miss. Thank you for the Love(-:
  18. miKKoChristmas11 Thank you for the Love(-:
  19. Hems303 I would like to Thank You for the Love and the information you provided. I appreciate the time you took to detail everything about this item.
  20. Manikin Thank you for the Love(-:
  21. Manikin & jimborasco Thank you for the Loves(-:
  22. AR8Jason, Thank you for the Love
  23. trunkman, walksoftly & Kathycat, Thank you all for the Love(-:
  24. Hopester & AR8Jason Thank you both for the Love.
  25. VintageStation Thank you for the Love(-:
  26. eye4beauty Thank you for the Love(-:
  27. BELLINS68, purpledog & kerry10456 Thank you all for the Love & like(-:
  28. miKKoChristmas11 & cocacoocoo, Thank you both for the Love(-: miKKoChristmas11, Thank you for the Nice Comment(-:
  29. pw-collector & BELLINS68, Thank you both for the love(-:
  30., officialfuel, ttomtucker, Hunter, trunkman, BELLINS68 Thank you all for the Loves & likes(-:
  31. miKKoChristmas11, Thank you for the love(-:
  32. musikchoo, Thank you for the love(-:
  33. Vontrike, Thank you for the love
  34. bertop59 & Harborguy, Thank you both kindly for the love
  35. PhilDavidAlexanderMorris, Thank you for the love(-:
  36. stonesfan1 Thank you for the like.
  37. Manikin & kerry10456, Thank you both for the love(-:
  38. gargoylecollector & ttomtucker, Thank you both for the love gargoylecollector, Thank You for the information.
  39. Zookie, Thank you for the love(-:
  40. gargoylecollector & stonesfan1 Thank you both for the love. gargoylecollector, Thank you for the nice comment and the information(-:
  41. officialfuel, Thank you for the love.
  42. coke.moody.antiques & Manikin Thank you both very much for the love and sorry so late, just catching-up(-:
  43. miKKoChristmas11 & kerry10456, Thank you both for the love and sorry so late for this, just catching-up.
  44. miKKoChristmas11 & flowerrose, Thank you both for the love and sorry so late(-: flowerrose, Thank You for the nice comment(-:
  45. coke.moody.antiques, rocker-sd, pickrknows, tommy1002, Longings, officialfuel,Signaholic, cocacocar, lundy, shughs, spriteboy, trukn20, Mississippicollecetor &cocacoocoo. Thank you all very much for ...
  46. BELLINS68, scottvez, AR8Jason, petey, vetraio50 & TRIKER Thank you all for the love and sorry so late, trying to catch-up.
  47. BELLINS68, Thank you for the love and sorry for the lateness, trying to catch up. (-:
  48. walksoftly Thank you for the like.
  49. ho2cultcha, Thank you for the love and nice comment(-:
  50. BELLINS68, miKKoChristmas11, stonesfan1 & cocacoocoo Thank you all very much for the love and sorry for the late entry(-:
  51. See more


2nd series hockey check list RS Prussia Royal Vienna/Germany Lebrun Portrait Vases antique flat top trunk refinished


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