Posted 13 years ago
(153 items)
This is a Vintage VW Poster I found at a garage sale. I don't know the age, but VW in poster appears older. All the information on the poster is in German, hope someone can tell me what is says and how old it is?
On the bottom edges it says: Published by PARC, 27 24, 2390 Flensburg,
Best.-Nr. p511. printed in Germany by VW-AG. Wolfsburg,
Gedruck & auf Chlorfreiem papier.
Looks like early '60s to me. The back window is larger & more rectangular than the '50s models.
Thank you for the translation.
Thank you for the love, sorry late on this.
Thank you for the love
Sorry it's late(-:
Thank you for the like.
Thank you for the love