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My japanese Monarch TM-20

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (11 items)

    This is as Art Deco as you can get, when you're talking about vintage microphones.

    Please visit my blog, where I talk about vintage microphones and 50's/60's music:

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    1. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      Very cool looking item!
    2. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Holy cow those Monarchs are incredible lookin!
    3. decosound decosound, 13 years ago
      Thanks aycockonxion, Signaholic, officialfuel, TylulaVintage, and toolate2.
    4. TomNye, 13 years ago
      hey- i have a mic that looks almost exactly like this- a few minor differences though. i've been looking everywhere for it based on the name it gives- a RYSTL DY-41 but i found no results under that name. haha maybe mine was mislabeled or something? i have a picture-
    5. decosound decosound, 13 years ago
      TomNye, this is the first time I've ever seen a RYSTL microphone. Nevertheless, it's pretty common for these japanese-made mics to have identical models with different brand names. I have another one of these with a LAFAYETTE 99-4581 "label" on it. The only difference between the two is that the back part of the base on the LAFAYETTE model is not as aerodynamic as the Monarch model.
    6. TomNye, 13 years ago
      yeah i noticed the difference in the back. pretty interesting. i dont really know much about old mics, ive just had this for a while and wanted to find some info on it. thanks.
    7. decosound decosound, 13 years ago
      No problem! I'd hang on to it. Specially if yours is in good shape. They're not known for their sound, but they are rare to a certain degree. I think that the main reason for not having opinions on the sound out there is because of the hard to find 4-pin female connector. In my case, I do have one connector that came with one of these, but I haven't been able to test it yet, since it needs a new cable. If I had to guess, I'd probably say that it has an average to good sound. Have you been able to test yours?
    8. TomNye, 13 years ago
      as a matter of fact, it works. well, not this one specifically but i had an identical pair. I gave one to a friend, and he had some connector that worked with it. he says it sounds pretty good.
    9. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
      what a great collection!!
    10. decosound decosound, 9 years ago
      Thanks, Sean68!
    11. dixieanndalton dixieanndalton, 8 years ago
      Hey decosound and Tomnye!
      There are 2 holes in the bottom.
      One hole has the connector that is attached to a black/flexible rubber piece that extends out of the base of the microphone... and it's plugged in and sounds great! But I really want to attach it to my mic stand but not sure what to put in that 2nd hole that will help me get it on a stand... mine is labeled RYSTL dy-41 and it is Japanese made... I actually bought mine with the internal element (the guts) having already been switched out, so mine actually has an element from the SM-58 Shure microphone!!!! :)

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