Personal Website:
My passion for the 50's/60's started after I watched American Graffiti and Happy Days, as a kid. Since then, I've been passionate about most things musically relatedMy passion for the 50's/60's started after I watched American Graffiti and Happy Days, as a kid. Since then, I've been passionate about most things musically related to this era. Whether it's jukeboxes, radios, microphones, or just the music. I started collecting vintage microphones about 6 years ago. My present collection is over the 70 mark right now. I even started a blog, The Deco Sound, to share my passion for these beautiful mics. Please feel free to pay a visit sometime.
And if you want to contact me with questions about vintage mics, you can write to "decosound", at Gmail. I'm no expert, but I'll try to help in any way I can. (Read more)