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1950's Coca-Cola Celluloid Sign

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Coke Signs882 of 112336" Coke Button1940's Drug Store Style Coca Cola Sign
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (132 items)

    This is the sign Dave (aka Daddy_Nobucks) was ever-so-nicely to sell me at $20, and even at that price for a pretty bad shape sign like this, it's still a great deal. However... someone already bought it for me at my arrival at his house, not that I'm complaining, I'm saving my money for a trip down to Ohio. Maybe one of these days, I'll buy something... ;). Anyway, it displays nicely on my curio cabnet door, and even though the back is torn out, the original manufactor's sticker is there. It was a nice souveiner from Daddy_Nobucks house.

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    1. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      My family and I had a great time on Sat., talking Coca-Cola and watching Michigan State beat Northwestern with the one and only cocacolakid97! And he showed up with a tub of the Delicious and Refreshing stuff to boot! We nearly drank 'em all washing down a couple pizza pies. The sign looks great hanging there cckid, you found a great spot.
    2. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Hey cck, it's the front everyone looks at anyway, I would say you did just fine for a freebie. That's Dave, he's a giver! Maybe one day he'll give me that carrier he just got,,,,LOL
    3. BrainTonic, 13 years ago
      Very nice and signaholic is right, no one looks at the back.
    4. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 13 years ago
      i have been looking for one of these celluloid signs for a couple months now and i cant seem to find one. i was able to find a orange crush one maybe i should just settle with it.
    5. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      You can't beat road trip souvenirs!! Now you have a piece of the DaveCave and a nice C-C piece that looks good too!

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