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    Posted 13 years ago

    (99 items)

    To have a collection you must first have a place to keep it, so when we moved back to Oklahoma we wanted to move into the Historic district and this place came up for sale at the right time. Built in 1907 which is state hood for Oklahoma, The home was owned 65 years by Wilma Franklin, her son John Franklin was a two time Pulitzer Prize winner. When we bought the place everything was painted white but all the wood trim was untouched, saving the great wood work. For the 3 of us it's a great little house but the collections will soon take over, have plans to build a shop out back which will help some but I'm sure in time we may need a larger place.


    1. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      I love old houses, yours is great looking.
    2. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Nice old house. I'll have to post mine someday as it was built in the 1920's.
    3. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      Very nice! Beautiful piece of Oklahoma history!
    4. Stonie Stonie, 13 years ago
      Thanks everyone, it's been a fun project.
    5. Stonie Stonie, 13 years ago
      This Spring I plan to finish the roof, started the porch with brown shingles.
    6. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      Very nice, I like the colours.
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Love it....would like to see some inside pic too, if you wish to share.

      I love your home!!!!!!
    8. Stonie Stonie, 11 years ago
      Thank you, it has some nice old would work etc. If I can get some good lighting to show the details I would, Pictures other wise just do the inside no justice.
    9. inky inky, 11 years ago
      What a beautiful home, have you finished yet?...took 8 years to do ours up ..then we went and sold it...:-(
    10. Stonie Stonie, 11 years ago
      Never ending, have more plans, building a office/art studio out back to match the house, new fence, new roof and other changes as i have time, labor of love.
    11. inky inky, 11 years ago
      lol!...we are onto our last and final one and if we can get it half as nice as your I will be looks like a very much loved home!...:-)
    12. MrsWarren MrsWarren, 11 years ago
      Yes, pics of the inside please. I would love to see the original wood.

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