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    Posted 14 years ago

    (105 items)

    The year, 1945. The town, Oakland CA. The street, 46th ave. Thats my cousin Margee and her boyfriend Bob parked in front of my house with me leaning against the back of body. I know its a flathead v-8. but whats the year of the truck?

    Mystery Solved


    1. lonewolf, 14 years ago
      it,s a 28 or 29 ford roaster pickup, somebodys hotrod for the day.
    2. areliczone areliczone, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the info. Do you know when the concept of hot rod began? Is this an early hot rod?
    3. lonewolf, 14 years ago
      i would say hot rodding started about when the model a was born, i would say your pic is a early hotrod, reason is because it has a v8 in it. model a only had 4 clylinders.
    4. areliczone areliczone, 14 years ago
      It looks like it might have hydaulic brakes also.
    5. JunkItToMe, 14 years ago
      I just wanted to say I love pics like this.. Those times seemed so fun and carefree. I was born in 56 and can remember some of the good days of the 60's then the world got crazy sighh ..anyway Awesome photo.. makes you feel happy inside when looking at it
      Have a Blessed Day
    6. areliczone areliczone, 14 years ago
      Hey JunkItToMe, You are right, those were the days. We lived in a celler converted into an apartment, $35.00 month. Across the street was a small store where we could buy jaw breakers and bubble gum for 1 cent. Society has tryed to make a perfect world with all the rules and created a nightmare..The road to hell is paved with good intensions. My brother and I would take the streetcar up east 14th street to Emeryville to watch the Oakland Oaks play ball. Casey Stengel was the manager, Les Scarcell played first base etc. etc. etc. My family lived there from 1943 to 1946. Times were tuff, because of the war. Looking back, I have many fond memories in spite of. Thank you for the comment.
    7. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Great pic,great to see the history,even greater to hear you speak on
      the history like your comments above.Thank you for sharing.
      DMK (across the Bay from Oakland)
    8. areliczone areliczone, 14 years ago
      DMK Thanks for the comment, Merry Christmas and happy new year.
    9. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well.
    10. Madbalrog, 14 years ago
      '28/'29 for sure. same thing I'm collecting parts to build
    11. areliczone areliczone, 14 years ago
      Enjoy your time, it goes fast.

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