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Seth Thomas Mantel Clock. Transitional design..Egyptian..Nouveau

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (43 items)

    A Seth Thomas mantel clock. It was illustrated and listed in the old Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogues in the 1890's. A transitional design with a Egyptian nouveauesque lion. Orientalia(Egypt, Arabs, camels) was in vogue of late victorian times long before the finding of King Tut's tomb. Seth Thomas was a prolific and well noted clock maker. Adamantine (faux finishes such as the faux marble in this clock) were introduced in 1892 and continued in production until 1917. This model is illustrated in old sales catalogues often with the optional bronzed sphelter figures listed for additional charge. This design and others like it are rather common.

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    1. Lamisi, 9 years ago
      My parents had a clock just like this
    2. mareredware mareredware, 9 years ago
      I have a similar one which was my grandmother's. I don't know what it would take to get it up and running. Love these old clocks. Thanks for sharing!

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