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CASCADE set, Per Lütken (Holmegaard, 1970)

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Scandinavian Art Glass1400 of 1467HARLEKIINI set, Nanny Still (Riihimäki Lasi, 1959)CARNEVAL, Christel Holmgren-Exner (Holmegaard, 1971)
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (584 items)

    CASCADE is becoming one of my favourite series from all of those who designed Per Lütken. I have already put my eye on a new, and huge, one but I must save some money first! The small vase meassures 15 cm tall and is an amazing piece of art, as is the coloured beaker, with its very uneven texture on the inside. I LOVE THEM!

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    1. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 13 years ago
      A lot of time and room and money... but you do know all of that, don't you? :) Thanks so much for your compliments :$
    2. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 13 years ago
      :) well, I intend to share pictures of much of my collection... that will be a lot! I really need to stop getting more as there's virtually no room for it at home. I live surrounded by glass in every room... the funniest thing is my partner is also a collector (mostly Loetz and Swedish mid-century glass -including Ingeborg Lundin's Apple!!!-) so no matter in which of our places we are, there's always tons of glass around! :)
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 13 years ago
      Unfortunately it is not in MY collection, but HIS :{ hahaha

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