Posted 13 years ago
(677 items)
This picture of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe has been hanging in this consignment store all summer here in town. It was part of her display and she said she didn't want to sell it, but just before Christmas I walked in and ask her if she would sell it today and she said yes. I bought it and took it home and it's hanging upstairs in the tv room. I like that they are riding a Harley Davidson. The picture is 24'' x 36'' mounted on wood.
Thank you toolate2 and leighannrn for the love!!
Thank you kerry10456, BELLIN68, EJW-54, trukn20, chevy59 and Longings for stopping by and spreading the love!
Thank you mtg75,Chevelleman69 and MooreAntique for all the love!
Thank you scandinavian_pieces for stopping by and sharing the love!
Thank you vanskyock24 for the love!
Thank you marcobabe13 for stopping by and showing some love!
Thank you sanhardin for the love!
Thank you Hedgewalker for the love! Happy New Year!
Wow that is a great find official despite the Harley(I ride a Suzuki the poor mans Harley) !! Hope your New Year maps the way to more great pickin grounds official !! I gotta tell ya my puter practically freezes up when I go to your profile !
Hedgewalker doesn't matter what you ride as long as your riding something!
Thank you Designer for the love! Happy New Year! :-)
Thank you shughs for the love!
Thank you egreeley1976 for the love!
Thank you Nova for the love and the compliment!
Thank you MMM for the love!
Thank you stonesfan1!
Thank you PhilDavidAlexanderMorris!
That is a great photo,so touching.It's so sad that we lost both of them so young.
Thank you Dottie for the love and comment! Hope everything is going great with you! :-)
Thank you Bikenstein!
Thank you HeavenJean!
Thank you crabbykins!
I just read your profile and LOL'd. I love what you have said about you buying Junk and selling Antiques!!! Hilarious! I basically buy junk and sell junk - haven't yet advanced to full antique status!! Made me laugh so much. Thanks :-)
Thank you flowerrose for the love and the nice comment!
Thank you crswerner for the love!
Thank you antiquesareamazing for the love!
Thank you adkmetalman for the love!
Thank you toracat for the love!
Thank you chrissylovescats for the love!
Hey there, I am posting this only because I recently discovered this same sort of thing, I know you didn't request any information on it. It is by the artist Paul Gassenheimer out of Vienna and is one of four works entitled "Hollywood Dreams". This one here is titled "Speed Bound". Here is the item page on the artist's own website...
I found one of the four from the series at a local auction recently titled "Flute Song" seen here...
Thank you Downhome for stopping by and the information!
Thank you Destiny.Jennifer.g. and aura for stopping in and showing some love! Very appreciated!
Thank you antiquerose for the love! Always appreciate you stopping by!
Doesn't get much better than that. Neil