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WWI Army & Navy

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World War One615 of 692RARE WWI US Marines in the dug-out photo WWI Red Cross Signature Quilt from Norfolk County Ontario
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (136 items)

    WWI era photos. #1, possibly US 33rd or 86th division, as it came from an estate sale here in Illinois. #2 US 77th division. Nice clear image of the 77th Division patch (Statue of Liberty) possibly "the Lost Battalion"....#3 WWI Sailor with rank on right sleeve and wool sweater under jumper (I hated "uniform of the day...wear sweater, wear jumper...") Being from Chicago I was use to the cold weather, and always sweated my nuts off when we had to wear them in bootcamp....#4, WWI U.S. Navy Officer

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Grab those "patched" images while you can-- they will only increase in desirability and value!


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