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Cat and dog salt and pepper shakers

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (45 items)

    In keeping with the cat theme I thought I would post these salt and pepper shakers (and no, I do not own a cat! allergies :(

    These are possibly pewter, no silver marks found, just the 781 number. Both of their heads unscrew to put the salt and pepper in. The dog has glass eyes one of which comes loose from time to time. Any ideas about maker or country of origin would be welcome.

    Thanks for looking!

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    1. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      i have a set of squirls lih ke those m 68 on bottom
    2. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Very nice wolcott !! The cat must be the pepper. ( Makes you sneeze ) : )
    3. wolcott1 wolcott1, 13 years ago
      Hi Lundy,Do you think they are silver? I'm not certain that mine are pewter.
    4. wolcott1 wolcott1, 13 years ago
      Hi Hedge, When I was polishing it earlier I noticed that there were reminents of pepper inside the dog! The cat is a salty sort I think. Thanks!!
    5. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      pewter it looks, i wish they were real silver for you
    6. wolcott1 wolcott1, 13 years ago
      Thanks Lundy!
    7. wolcott1 wolcott1, 13 years ago
      Ooops, I just read on a few sites that you should not polish pewter, especially with silver polish. It didn't seem to affect the surface except it's shinier. Still not sure if it's pewter...

      Thanks packratplace, Scandi, Lisa and lostinspace!!
    8. wolcott1 wolcott1, 13 years ago
      Thanks Bellin68!
    9. wolcott1 wolcott1, 13 years ago
      Thanks bratjdd!
    10. Spiko Spiko, 11 years ago
      Hi, I've just seen your post and I think you have some Meriden peppers.

      I collect pounce pots and they are often in the shape of pugs, owls and other animals. When I first came across these little peppers, I wondered if they were the same but I believe they are too small for pounce. They are lovely though so now I collect these too!

      Meriden made them in Britannia metal (a mixture like spelter) and also in silver. The advertisements I've seen date to the 1880s and they made a wide range. I've never seen the kitten with a ball of wool but the pug is definitely one of theirs.

      Hope this helps.
    11. wolcott1 wolcott1, 11 years ago
      Thanks for your input Spiko. Good to know! The pug looks exactly the same quite right.
    12. wolcott1 wolcott1, 9 years ago
      Thanks Nicefice! The kitty is feisty...

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