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    Posted 14 years ago

    (3 items)

    My photos are to complete the information on the gaucho tea mate, (Chimarrão). One of the gourds is decorated with a silver border. The smaller gourd is inlaid on the upper and bottom part with silver and 24k gold. It has its own stand attached to it. This particular set is not Brazilian because in Brazil these are much larger. The larger gourd is decorated with resin, and it has a separate stand. The straw, what the Brazilian gauchos call bomba, is decorated with gold. Sometimes such pieces are decorated with rubies and diamonds. The smaller cuia and bomba, I found in a Hastings antique store, for $5.35. To my surprise, when I got home I realized that it was real silver and real gold!

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    1. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Mad skills, dude, mad skills.
    2. Phylos, 14 years ago
      Mad skill? All right, this chimarrão thing has worked for centuries in Brazil and neighboring countries. I am from gaucho country, Rio Grande do Sul. My parents sipped chimarrão three times a day before meals. My mother is 96 years old. Sometimes she became too thin, so she would stop drinking chimarrão to gain weight. Is that cool or what? Now you know the secrete of the ancients!
    3. jackart jackart, 13 years ago
      I have posted my mate tea gourd that I think is from argentina. I only have one though. They are nice and used a lot of decoration for something just to drink tea out of!
    4. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
      How I love drink mate!
      The mate and bombilla are really adorables,they have a great work in silver and gold.
      Can be from Argentina or Uruguay too where mate is very popular, is our drink of everyday.
      Happy Easter!

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