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Loetz - Tango

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (236 items)

    This is Loetz tango. Originating in 1914 tango glass was very popular all over the world until the mid 30's. The glass is usually cased opaque glass trimmed in a black, white or cobalt application color. There are many variations but the classic shapes were produced in the most color combination. The glass is marked with an oval acid stamp "CZECHO-SLOVAKIA". The last image is a display case from the Passau glass museum in Germany. I think the beauty of the glass is the simplicity of shape with the boldness of the color.

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    1. jericho jericho, 13 years ago
    2. GlassHappy, 13 years ago
      Jericho, Please correct your copy to read; marked with CZECHO-SLOVAKIA in an Oval. But not to be confused with a similar CZECHO SLOVAKIA, no hyphen in a
      broader fatter oval.
    3. jericho jericho, 13 years ago
      yes correct, oval stamp usually Loetz, the other broader one may be Loetz but not every time. The acid marks and foil stamp mandated on export items can be confusing so never trust them solely as indicating the maker, use multiple identifiers...If it has the right shape, decor, signature and company foil stamp it's usually fake.
    4. yesterdaysglass yesterdaysglass, 10 years ago
      Bump for those who haven't seen.

      LOVE that 2nd pic!! and the 4th!

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