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Asian vase with rare double rings 6 character mark on base

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Asian Vases1041 of 1112Satsuma vase?Korean signed ming? vase
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (402 items)

    I have never seen double red rings on porcelain - but i did some research and i found out that in the early porcelain- they use to hand paint the base with red double rings- I don't know what type of vase this is - can someone help me to identify this pleaseeeeeeeee

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    1. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      good to c you back thats very nice
    2. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      Thank you very much- I will add a couplf of photos of the markings in a bit :)

      Heyy Lundyyyyyy
    3. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      a couple of pictures ( I mean)
    4. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      I added another picture of the markings
    5. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      Although this new photo by be worse than the first one - let me know if you can see it - if not i will take another
    6. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      Thank you :) Yes I went to the site and it does look like it , I also added another picture of the markings- this one looks alot better- So do you think this could be a earlier piece or late 2oth century-? someone was telling me because the vase has so many flaws that is probably a fake - in whick they are always tellingme that- I still hope for the best- although I feel they jinx me . anyway - what do you think about the double red rings? is this unusual? I mean I haven't found one yet like this....
    7. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      and the one who told me it was fake is not an appraiser
    8. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      I want to explain why (my husband says it is fake?)
      #1 - It has alot of flaws
      #2 no signs of ware or age
      #3 no attention being paid to the detail
      #4 There are too many variations to the markings
      #5 And the red paint was applied sloppy
    9. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      so I say what evaaa
    10. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      Correction) was applied sloppily
    11. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      thank you yes I will
    12. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      I only see Hsu not Hsi when i google it
    13. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      i sent the e-mail
    14. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 13 years ago
      I sent the email again
    15. Songwriter53 Songwriter53, 12 years ago
      yes i do
    16. Rulandma Rulandma, 7 years ago
      It is the Guangxu seal I have a Fish Bowl Porcelain with the markings. It appears to be stamped on mine as I can't imagine them hand painting such a perfect circle. That is ok as this dates it from early 1800s to 1912. If it is heavy it probably is authentic. If you like I can post pictures of it.
      Good Luck, Marilyn
    17. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      IMO this is an revival piece traffic light border cirkel marks came into the sixties this way

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