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Some of my LA Riot gear

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Military Jackets and Coats115 of 156WW II Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse Great grandfather's Navy Uniform from WWI.
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (38 items)

    Flak vest, Kevlar, and face shield.
    While stationed at Ft Ord, CA, the LA Riots broke out. My unit was deployed and inserted throughout the city, to maintain peace, guard government and commercial locations from looters. We rode to our locations in buses with the windows unlatched weapons loaded with humvee and police escort cars.
    Riding along I watched the faces of people on the streets and in their cars. The expressions on their faces was a mix of distaste, friendly smiles, and many more. But the expressions I became fixed on was the look of , how could this be?
    Another bit of stuff I've hung onto, to pass on to my kid

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    1. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      It's a small world. I was there too! I flew down with the G2, 7ID (L) to coordinate with the police while the TOC was being set up. I spent most of the riots doing liason work with the police, but got out on the streets a couple times.
    2. Militarist Militarist, 13 years ago
      You were allowed to keep that stuff !
    3. Militarist Militarist, 13 years ago
      Interesting side story, I was being driven through the Watts area a few years after the riots by a Chinese -American friend who was one of the few people who sold Yellow Pages ads in that district. He me to slouch down in my seat to play it safe. I asked him why he would go there if it was so dangerous and he said that "they" didn't consider him "white".
    4. fossilhunter fossilhunter, 13 years ago
      Chrisnp, I was a lightfighter too, Silent Light Deadly, Manchu! I had just got off CQ and got the order to get our gear and sanitize our rooms. We flew down to Toro, got our issue, did our stomp and drag training then sent to Bell. We stayed in the fire station there, when not out in the city.
    5. fossilhunter fossilhunter, 13 years ago
      Militarist, the kevlar and flakvest were my regular TA50 issue. Like alot of long time military people I had over time aquired 2 of everything. 1 inspection set, and 1 field use set. We were supposed to turn in all equipment issued for the riots after returning, but I was able to keep the face shield and my ziptie cuffs, the batons and shields were turned back in.
    6. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      It’s an even smaller world, Fosilhunter. I’m guessing you were in 2-9. During the riots, our MI battalion was a division asset, but afterwards we were reorganized and each company was dedicated to support one of the two infantry brigades or the 9th Infantry Regiment. I got a platoon in direct support of the Manchus, and from then until they relocated to Ft Lewis, wherever the Manchus went, I went with them.

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