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Rose City Treadle Machine Can not find anything about this mode;

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Non-Singer Sewing Machines381 of 459Elna "Grasshopper" Demo ModelLate 1800's sewing machine cabinet
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    This belonged to my grandmother. The decal on it says Rose City. I would like to purchase replacement drawers for it, but it is difficult as I can find nothing about this model.

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    1. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      Your Rose City sewing machine has all the ear marks of being manufactured by the White Sewing Machine Co. The White was founded in 1858 in Templeton, Mass. In 1876 the company moved to Cleveland, OH. The White Sewing Machine Co. Purchased several other sewing machine companies one being the Domestic. White manufactured several brand names for Sears, Roebuck and Co.
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 13 years ago
      Miri0808, Check my show and tell, I had posted a white Sewing Machine. The drawers do show up on Ebay.
    3. Miri0808, 13 years ago
      Thanks I will do a search on Ebay. I actually have one drawer for this but need 3 replacements. The drawers have a curved wall on the outer side which seems to be hard to find.
    4. Miri0808, 13 years ago
      Does anyone know where to find the serial number on this? Also besides Ebay, any other online sites that might sell replacement drawers for this? Thanks for any advice.
    5. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      This machine is a National Eldridge Vindex B
    6. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      The serial number should be under or below the bobbin slide cover.
      If you do a search for 'damascusannie' you should find more info
    7. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      I'm sorry but it's nothing to do with White or with Sears Robuck
    8. Miri0808, 13 years ago
      Thanks Bernadette. I looked that up and it's the first time I saw a machine that had the exact cabinet as mine. Now if I can only find replacement drawers. curved drawers seem difficult to find, but I'm still looking.
    9. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Try setting a search on eBay for National Treadle and see if you get results. The only way to get the drawers you need may be to buy another machine the same, but you could be lucky to find someone selling drawers.
    10. curiouskitty, 11 years ago
      I have the exact same cabinet, but the machine is a Y & C Rotary. It is the same black & gold colors but different design. Stumped!!
    11. Bernadette Bernadette, 11 years ago
      the machine will most likely be a National Rotary but can you post a picture? The Y and C could stand for Young and Chaffee
    12. curiouskitty, 11 years ago
      I do not know how to post pictures. I can however send them from my phone. I need an e-mail address to do this. Please help. Really want to find info about my machine. I talked with my mother and she did say that she did rememberYoung & Chaffee Furniture. The machine was my grandmothers.
    13. JackieB, 9 years ago
      I have a cabinet just like this; but with 6 drawers.
      The drawers are in good condition; except for the handles which I had remoulded.
      Mine was shipped to Australia (Newcastle) by the Domestic Sewing Machine Company and has a custom Domestic iron treadle base.
      However, the cable was missing when I found it; along with (I suspect) some of the parts underneath. Can anyone help with photos of the lift/latching mechanism underneath? In Australia we have predominantly Singer cabinets and no-one has ever seen the cable lift mechanism that these cabinets have.
    14. puggy101, 3 years ago
      I just got a Rose City sewing machine just like this one. Did you ever find anything about it? I've looked everywhere for information on it. All I find is this one.
    15. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Hi, puggy101. :-)

      If you read all the comments on this post, you'll see that the late great Bernadette identified this vintage Rose City sewing machine as a badged National Eldridge Vindex B.

      Here is the National Eldridge Vindex B at the needlebar website:

      I didn't find the exact badge name "Rose City" in needlebar's list of National badge names; I do see "Rose":

      The National Sewing Machine Company was the most prolific badger of all the vintage sewing machine companies, so it doesn't surprise me when I encounter a badge name that isn't in the Needlebar list.

      About National:
    16. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Hi again, puggy101. :-)

      I took another look at this, and the sewing machine head in this post actually looks like the Improved Eldredge IEB, rather than the Eldredge Vindex B:

      Even the decals look the same.

      Here's a Improved Eldredge IEB badged "Unity" in a different style of cabinet:

      As to the cabinet, here's another National cabinet of the same style (however, the foot pedal is missing):

      For whom did the National Sewing Machine Company make "Rose City" badged sewing machine heads? At a guess, some business in Portland, Oregon, "Rose City" being the nickname for Portland.

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