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3 neck vintage steel guitar

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Steel Guitars2 of 7Washburn A1287 Acoustic Lap Guitar1941 Rikenbacher B6 (Bakelite 6 string) Lap Steel Guitar
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    Got this guitar in 1957, it was used. No name on it. We think it was from the '40's but dont know. Does anyone have any ideas what it is? It is mono. The case is original , it is the way i got it ,came with 3 legs,,the man we got it from played in a band with it . I am 62 years old and have had this for years. Any information would be wonderful.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. JayDubDesign, 12 years ago
      I conferred with the minds at the steel guitar forum and we reached the conclusion that this is a home made steel guitar, possibly inspired by or even made from old National (supro/valco) parts.

      No matter what it looks really nice and I am betting it sounds really great as well. A nice instrument.
    2. kennyray, 12 years ago
      Do you know of anywhere we could take this to have it appraised? Or to be shown in southern Ontario. Thank you for your comment.
    3. JayDubDesign, 12 years ago
      Try these guys:

      This place is between Oshawa and Belleville. I am not sure how close that is to you, however, you could always send them the pictures and ask them their thoughts on it's potential value.

      I would include some close up pictures of the pickups. Perhaps the would have some distinguishing features.


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