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Coca Cola Metal Shield Sign 36X23

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (2 items)

    This sign was purchased by a German friend, who collected Coca Cola memorabilia, sometime around 1985 with a ticket price of $45.00 (small white sticker in upper left hand corner). Not sure if she got it at a flea market or where.... When she went back to Germany, she decided not to take it with her, due to the size of it. I've looked on several websites and the closest thing I found to the size and shape was a porcelain one; haven't found a metal replica. Just curious if it's a collectible of any value.

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    1. spriteboy42 spriteboy42, 13 years ago
      Nice sign! I'd say it's from the 1940s and because its porcelain, makes it that much more desirable. Very collectable and I value it at $400
    2. stepback_antiques stepback_antiques, 13 years ago
      Very nice sign!
    3. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Looks like it could be a partial? It's a cool piece either way.
    4. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Ray, you've got a Coke-o-graphic memory!
    5. kgcracker54, 13 years ago
      @spriteboy42 and TGBWC....this is not a porcelain piece, but a metal one (see top of page for description)...and believe me, I did look for several hours on various websites (found this one to be the best, BTW) and could not find a metal one (I did see the porcelain one from the link above). So....any thoughts on a metal piece??'s a complete piece. It has 6 drilled holes for screws or nails (1 ea on top and bottom and 2 on each side) which makes me think it was a sign for the outside of a building or something. Also, the "blemishes" on it are dents, most likely from a BB Gun or something, also leading me to believe it was outside.
    6. kgcracker54, 13 years ago
      Correction on the "dent" comment...they are NOT dents! Don't know what caused the almost perfectly rounded (some anyway) blemishes. No dents, just paint gone (sorry...should have looked at it closely again before I commented).
    7. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 13 years ago
      Are you sure that isn't porcelain? Those look like schips and not dents.
    8. kgcracker54, 13 years ago
      Yes, I'm sure....I WISH it was porcelain! Have a sneaky feeling it's worth more if it is! But yes, it's metal...those streak marks are rust, and I'm pretty sure porcelain doesn't rust! LOL!
    9. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Hi kgc54, it's part of a 2 piece sign. I'll post a picture here on CW in Show and Tell so you can see what we mean. Should be up shortly.
    10. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      I believe there is such a thing as porcelain on metal signs.
    11. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 13 years ago
      kgcracker54 im pretty sure you have a porcelain sign its hard to tell from the pictures, but porcelain signs were able to rust once the porcelain chipped off, there was metal underneath. run your fingers across the rust spot/ spots with paint missing, you should be able to feel were the porcelain is missing and the metal is exposed.
    12. kgcracker54, 13 years ago
      Holy Coca Coley Batman! (lol) I do believe you are right Daddy_Nobucks and coke.trevor!! I just thought it was a red painted metal piece b/c I "thumped" it and could hear the metal! Never occurred to me that the "paint" was actually porcelain! WHEW! This is exciting to me! I've been watching American Pickers, Storage Wars, etc on TV and have gotten really interested in stuff like this, but as you see, I'm a novice at this type of thing! Thank you SO much for your input! other the condition as you can see it in, what would you guess the worth? (I promise not to hold you to it! lol!) And if it IS a 2 piece sign, I don't have the 2nd piece, so does that bring the value down? considerably?
    13. kgcracker54, 13 years ago
      Just looked at the pic you posted! WOW! Thanks for that! I'm following that post as well now.
    14. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      It's still a damn cool piece. Here's a current eBay auction, seller is asking $410 BIN or best offer. Has turned down 7 offers, which is a pretty good indication he's asking way more than the market will support.

      I've seen signs like yours sell on eBay in the $100 to $200 range. Collectors spending the big bucks want the whole thing.
    15. kgcracker54, 13 years ago
      Thanks again for the info Daddy_Nobucks. I truly appreciate your interest and help on all my that point...(hehe) I'm gonna ask one more...Do you know of any safe way to remove the rust "drips" without damaging the product? I noticed that the one on Ebay had some of the same blemishes as mine, but didn't have the run-off, so I figured he removed them (hopefully not by photo-shopping!)....any ideas?? Thanks again for any input you feel like sharing!
    16. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      I asked the same question when I first started collecting these signs. earlycoke suggested "Meguiars auto polish, or Semichrome polish, and rub it on with an old fashioned soft cotton diaper. Always try in a small area first to make sure the paint is stable. Semichrome also removes small scratches from celluliod items, such as pocket mirrors, as well." This worked well for me in some cases. However, I don't think you're going to have much luck removing the rust from your sign without damaging it (based on my experience). The undamaged section will polish up well, but taking the rust off is just going to take more paint away until you get down to metal. Now if you're talking full blown restoration, that's another story. But many of us believe these signs should be cleaned up as best possible, then left "as is". Another pointer, one TGBWC laid on me when I was really green, if you're going to collect Coca-Cola signs you need Petretti's 12th Edition Collectibles Guide. Sound advice. Good Luck!
    17. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 13 years ago
      Petretti's 12th edition is the latest edition, but use the 9 or 10 edition to price items, their closer with todays market.
    18. kgcracker54, 13 years ago
      Thanks!! I appreciate your input!

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