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Unknown WWII Location

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World War Two1150 of 1517WWII Gunner PhotosWW2 A-4 Mechanic's Cap by Castle Gate
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (30 items)

    I know they are WWII but I am not sure what they are of. Any help with identification is appreciated. Thank you!

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    1. michelleamieux michelleamieux, 13 years ago
      I have a fact free about Wake Island? I had a friend who was one of the few captured there. He was in Shanghai POW camp for the whole war. I have a few of the letters he sent to his Mother, though the Japanese told them what to say. Smitty passed away a couple years back, I will have to find the letters and post them. I know that the battle plan on Wake Island was to lure the Japanese ships close to the shore, where the inferior American arsenal (on Wake island) would have a chance of taking them out. This seems to be the case here, a lot of ships are VERY close and then the shore erupts in totally uneducated guess would be Wake Island. Thanks for sharing, USA, I love old war photography. You have some incredible shots, Mich
    2. USACollect, 13 years ago
      Thank you very much Mich.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      My guess would be a US Invasion landing somewhere in the Pacific.


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