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Decorative Pottery Bank~BULL~Wonderful Shape & Color

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (314 items)

    Well, after I picked up the vase that I just posted, I found this bank
    and considered myself doubly blest.
    I'm not sure what you'll think of it, but I felt as though I'd found a real treasure,.................he's beautiful!
    He stands about 6 1/2 inches high, and is probably close to 8 inches long.
    I love it, the detail, the Bull's face,( which I haven't shown head on ), and the funky color.
    Even the plastic stopper didn't bother me.
    Happily, as I was giving him a good bath, I discovered what may be a maker's mark on his privates.
    Perhaps someone recognizes the shape and design? or the mark?

    Thanks everyone!

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Ciao Budek!
      Nice bull! Nice glaze too!
      Move that photo on the right 180 degrees and I think you will see some numbers or letters above "ITALY".
      E' un bel salvadenaro italiano a forma di toro!
      The question is: "Is there a letter at the end of the numbers letters above 'ITALY'?
      The photo of his private parts obscures the last figure somewhat!!
      If it's a B then it might well be a Bitossi.
      But it might be an imitation of a Bitossi bull too!

      Bitossi is famous for Rimini blu, but they did other colours as well.
      My favourite is actually a mustard.
      Check out Google images "Bitossi bull"

      Aldo Londi?
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      Hi Budek, i immediately thought Bitossi even before reading Vs excellent comments. Personally I go with the Bitossi masses and love the blue...but they did do a number of other colors too.
      Have a great day Budek!
    3. michelleamieux michelleamieux, 13 years ago
      Budek, this may be the coolest item I have yet to see on CW!! I love a lot, but am a Taurus with a penchant for this exact color green. Once again, where is the "SUPER LOVE" button to the left of the Love button? This is wonderful!! Thank you for sharing, this is so nice!! Mich
    4. Budek Budek, 13 years ago
      Thank You, All,.....I'm glad that he pranced into your favor as well.

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