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My Charlie Chaplin Wind Up.

All items241548 of 245618Coca Cola Door Pushmini canon
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (2 items)

    Carved wooden Charlie Chaplin. It's 13 1/2" tall with a 4" base. It has a brass clockwork movement that turns his head and whistles when wound up. The base is marked Germany. I found it in the attic of an old house that was being demolished ( along with other items from the 1920's and 30's. I'll post those also. I would like to know something about this item. I can not find it on the internet. Thanks for any info.

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    1. ladyelicharlot, 13 years ago
      Hello. This could be Charlie Chaplin, but how could they have gotten his iconic mustache so WRONG? Every thing else says " Charlie", except for that oh so wrong 'stache!!!
    2. pete, 13 years ago

      Karl Griesbaum Carved Wooden Whistler Automaton of charlie chaplin rare i have one he is sitting down
    3. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      google "Griesbaum chaplin whistler"
    4. solver solver, 13 years ago
      Great identification and info, pete.

      This one sold at Skinner's July 2006 auction for $1,200:
    5. Jmoore, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the info on this item.

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