Posted 13 years ago
(4 items)
Can anyone help me ID this lovely 8.5 inch treasure. No sticker or markings.
Has either silver or aluminum art deco propeller with frosted wheels.The propellers screw on and off. Tried image google and that was a bust. Anyone out there have any ideas who made this? Its so unusual and I will love it either way but knowing something about it would be super!
i think i saw this not long ago but the prop. seemed different, i THINK it a hood ornament, but dont hold me to it, i "came of age" in the 1970s, so my memory is what it used to be. du, what were we talking about????????
There's no hole at the bottom to attach to anything but your input is welcome. Yes the 70's were and are a blur!!! And I think the memeory thing is contageuous. Now what did I come to look at ?? LOL!
my bad! after a closer look i see its actually "clear" , i originally thought it was chrome. is that what we where talking about????????
VERY COOL my first thought was Wonder Woman's plane.