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My Circa 1891 Singer Treadle Sewing Machine

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (82 items)

    We bought this ca. 1891 Singer sewing machine literally off the street in East Aurora NY about 20 years ago. Honestly, we bought it as a decorative piece, and rarely, if ever, remove the cover. In fact, it's that place in our home where all the junk sits: mail, keys, flyers, etc. But thanks to CW, I decided to look a little closer and discover exactly how old my old Singer machine is. I found out it's from 1891. I also have the Singer Puzzle Box, which often came with these machines, with many of the attachments. I'll add that in my next post.

    This is the 5 drawer model, and although it's not as fancy and deluxe as some of the other machines of the day, it's just beautiful to me!

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    1. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      What a great idea, sewingfool! I'll give that a try! It's really a pretty machine. Some of the veneer has chipped off the surface of the cabinet, but otherwise, it's looks pretty good.
    2. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      My mother had one very similar to this.These seem kinda hard to find.I have two,one electric and one treadle.Both drop down into the case.I haven't seen many Singers with the cover...VERY cool !!
    3. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      this machine is seriously less common than any drop head treadle. It's gorgeous. Love the victorian decals on the fiddle base. I have a 27 Sphinx in the same style cabinet but it's 1899 and not a fiddle base.
    4. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      Thanks! I've never heard about a fiddle base before! I love learning new things!
    5. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Singer phased out the 'fiddle' shaped bed by about 1895 - if you look under yours (tip it back with the belt loosened) it should have a big Singer logo cast into the base as well, this is not found on later machines. There is no reason why that machine wouldn't sew as well as the day it was made. But it's a bit special for regular use :)
    6. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      I think sewing on it would be a wonderful thing... although I'm not much of a seamstress, there's something awfully enticing about using a machine that was so well made and clever that it has a zillion attachments to do everything from ruffling to tucking to hemming. Maybe I'll give it a try one of these days!
    7. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      Oh, also, you might notice the thread spindle is missing from the top... would that be hard to replace?
    8. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Oh, it is too :( you would have to look at the hole - is it clear? or has the old one broken off? if it's broken off you may be able to tap it through with a nail punch. If it's clear you should be able to get a replacement - they are either tap in or screw in, I reckon yours would be tap in. I see on ebay they're also refered to as 'push in' - but you would need a hammer :D There are some available on ebay. be gentle hammering with cast iron it can crack.
    9. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Oh, you need to search for 'spool pin' :)
    10. LyndaP, 8 years ago
      I was riding around yesterday and I saw 3women lugging out of their house..a treadel machine just like this one. To be put on the side of the road for trash pick up. I have wanted one most of my life. And BINGO!!! One for free !!!. I checked it out when I got this beauty home to find the puzzle? box as well. I'm thrilled with my find..AND THEN I ran into a man who repairs them,completely by accident. The charge for him to fix it...a meal and to let him come and use it to make the eventful day ended up with my machine and a sewing buddy... God is good !!
    11. stefdesign stefdesign, 8 years ago
      That's so awesome, LyndaP! I hope you enjoy your new treasures! Sounds like everything fell into place perfectly! You were meant to have it!
    12. LyndaP, 8 years ago
      Thank you, it's truly a lovely unit. Haven't had time to use In the process of making a "special place"for this beauty. Collecting materials to make strip quilts this fall. Can't wait to get started!!

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