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Singer Puzzle Box Sewing Machine Attachment Case

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Tlynnie1942's loves107 of 289Can anyone confirm this is Dutch, and help me date it, please? S/S PIN CUSHION TRINKET BOX - HUNG CHONG
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (82 items)

    This is my Singer Puzzle Box (or folding box) sewing machine attachment box. It was in the drawer of my old vintage 1891 Singer treadle machine, so I'm assuming it's original to that machine. The box itself has a patent date of 1889. Since the machine is 1891, the box must be one of the early models. I've done some research online and discovered quite a bit of info on these boxes, including a few old diagrams that show which attachment went where. My attachments are incomplete, and I have one funky one (you can only see it on the far right side of the box when it's completely open, above) that I haven't been able to find.

    Apparently, mine did have a latch at one time, it's on the opposite side of the closed box as shown, and part of it is missing. If anyone knows exactly which model number mine is, I'd love to learn more.

    Thanks for looking!

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    1. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      Thanks, sewingfool! I appreciate the info. The funny little arm on top makes it hard to fit into the box, it just sticks up so far. Did it come in this box originally do you think?
    2. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      yes these boxes came in a few styles. Yours having the long bobbins in place is a good indicator that it was the original. The type for IF machines (round bobbin) has a long prong for round bobbins, the type for VS machines (like yours) has a ladder type of thing that holds the long bobbins. The part all the way to the right in the second photo (with the box open flat, is that what you're referring to?) looks like a tucker. If you look at it carefully and find the Simanco number, you could google it for definite identification.
    3. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      Thanks, Bernadette! I'm so glad we have experts here like you, who can help me with my little puzzles!
    4. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      you're welcome Stef, did you find the number on the mystery part? :)
    5. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      No, sadly. No number. It does have tiny little measure numbers, that are about 1/16- 1/8" apart.
    6. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      The proper name for them is 'tuck marker' and you would be able to google some info on how it works :) I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
    7. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      Thanks! That makes sense!
    8. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      This is a very nice piece, my sister was showing me pictures last night of the one she has & I told her that I hadn't seen one of these before. I love the construction of the box.
    9. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      That's quite a story, Meilo! Perhaps it rained down from heaven! Glad it's in your hands now, it's a wonderful box!
    10. pickingupbones pickingupbones, 13 years ago
      Hey stephdesign I got one somewhere. When I find it I'll see if I can find any info also
    11. Rdabest, 11 years ago
      Can you help me figure out how the sides are held together? I want to make one of these to hold pens but I don't know how they are held together. You can email me pictures at

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