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Antonio da Ros Candle Holder for Cenedese

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Murano and Italian Art Glass1482 of 1610Murano  Galliano Ferro lamps!Seguso Little white Bowl with Oxides
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (62 items)

    The made many of them in different sizes and colors, also a scavo. This one stands 15,4 cm high. I profoted from the sunlight in Berlin for the pictures.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Hi from Sydney, Australia. Nice one. Do you think this one of mine is by Cenedese?
      I'd appreciate your opinion.
    2. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 13 years ago
      @vetraio50 Yours is really original and beautiful. I never saw it. But I'll ask smoebody who could know.
    3. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 13 years ago
      @vetraio50 Yours seems not to be Cenedese. The owner of the shop wehere I bought mine never saw your model, and he has a big stock an experience of Cenedese objects. But he doesn't exclude it at hundred percent. BTW: I bought a smaller model of your Wirkkala vase and will post it soon!
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Many thanks for your help colbold! It remains a mystery!

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