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What a place for rusty gold

All items207881 of 245639My 'DOXA' (?) clock from PolandDennis Rodman Thinker Pose Lithograph
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (99 items)

    While on vacation last week we stopped in Jerome AZ, talk about a pickers paradise if the old man ever decides to sell. He has created a museum at the old copper mine and it's pretty much just all kinds of junk he has collected over the years but a lot of cool rusty stuff along with a few things he has restored. The last picture is from one of the shops in Jerome, would of loved to have checked it out but they were closed the day we were there.


    1. gvgordon gvgordon, 13 years ago
      And you didn't bring the flathead Harly home for me!? What kind offriend are you. lol
    2. Stonie Stonie, 13 years ago
      Man that was just one of many things I would of like to bring home.
    3., 13 years ago
      My Kind Of JUNK
    4. MMM MMM, 13 years ago
      Thanks for sharing Stonie.

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