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REO sign, Never used!!!

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Automobile Signs142 of 223ford sign LARGE Chevrolet SIGN
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    I had posted this item earlier and it was deleted. I'm not looking to sell it at the moment, but I am looking for any information about the sign and its value. I found the sign back in the early 80's, sealed in it's cardboard box at a old REO/Diamond REO dealership that had closed. They were going to scrap all the stuff including all the old books, paperwork and things. I kept the signs, which at that point , I had two of these! I GAVE one to my brother in law, which he is now - not my brother in law! Long story!
    At some point in the future, I may get rid of it, but I have no idea of its rarity or value. That is why I'm posting this to anyone with some knowledge about signs. It is 24" x 30", mint condition, doubled sided and porcelain I believe.
    Thanks for any help in this arena.

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      I do not think you got the point. We are a group of collectors, not appraisers, while we like seeing things of value it is not our business to provide values at the expense of professional appraisers. I would suggest that if that is what you desire you find a certified appraiser, they will be glad to have your business. Thank You.
    2. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Feel free to delete me if you wish, I do get a bit grouchy at times..........
    3. BigDogBill, 13 years ago
      Pop_abides I was just asking for any information about the sign, sorry if I ruffled your feathers. Have a nice day.
    4. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      BigDogBill, do as Pop's suggest, delete his post. He's our Collectors Weekly curmudgeon and tends to get carried away. By the welcome to the collectors site. Great sign by the way. As i said yeaterday before your post was taken down your sig probably dates to 1953, note the 8-53 in the right bottom hand corner. The reason it was never used ( or New Old Stock) was that Reo filed for bankruptcy in 1954. I tried looking it up on a site that tracks auction and internet sales and came up empty. That tell me it's a pretty rare sign, in mint condition, and probably very valuable. Well worth doing as much research as possible, and yes in this case maybe even paying for an appraisal.
    5. BigDogBill, 13 years ago
      rocker-sd Thank you for your help on some information. I am new to the website and I am researching about this sign. Other than some information I got from the REO musuem people, I have not had much luck.
      Thank you for your comment.
    6. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 13 years ago
      Dito Rocker Welcome and never mind the troll under the bridge!
    7. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Thanks rocker and gargoyle.......I need to get my cocking mechanism fixed.
    8. MMM MMM, 13 years ago
      Hi Bill, the REO Sales-Service signs that I'm aware of and look identicial to yours are double-sided aluminum... NOT porcelain. Feel free to send me an email at ( and we can have a great conversation. I'm a book of knowledge.
    9. Rustologist Rustologist, 13 years ago
      For info on the sign please email me @

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