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Elgin Pocket Watches102 of 152Antique Elgin Pocket WatchMy B.W. Raymond with a name face
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (113 items)

    This Elgin pocket watch belonged to my great grandfather. The serial number dates it to 1899. When I was home last August, my dad told me that he was going to give it to me. It wasn't working at the time, so he said he wanted to get it fixed before giving it to me. I told him no hurry for it. In January, my dad got sick and ended up in the hospital. He had already taken the watch to have it repaired. Unfortunately, my dad passed away. The watch was ready to pick up three days after he was buried. The guy who repaired it said the only thing wrong was that it was gunked up inside from sitting all these years. They also replaced the crystal. They cleaned up the insides, and it looks and works just like brand new now. On the back of it, you can barely make out a picture of some pine trees. Can't tell what else might've been in the picture. There is also some lettering that is too worn to make out what it says. This watch was definitely used and not just sat somewhere. One day I'll pass it on to my son.

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    1. toolate2 toolate2, 13 years ago
      Very sorry for your loss... That's a wonderful old Elgin he's left you. Take good care of it and your son's son will have it to pass on! If you have a chance, we'd love to see a picture of the movement. You could add it right to this original listing by clicking edit post... Thanks for sharing! Oh and thank you very much for your service!!!
    2. jonima jonima, 13 years ago
      Thanks guys. I've added 3 more pictures. On the back you can barely make out what's left of what was 3 pine trees and who knows what else. Until I took these pictures, I hadn't realized how ornate the inside of it is.
    3. toolate2 toolate2, 13 years ago
      Here's a link to a great site. Type in the serial number -8713847- if it's not already there... It'll give give you some additional info on your watch. Again, thanks for sharing!!
    4. jonima jonima, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the site. Good info.

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