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Ontario Canada


  1. I think if you did a Veedol search on ebay you'll find the sign, he had a friend list it for him. although i am secretly hoping no one gets as far as the reserve then maybe I can convince him it isn't...
  2. Perfect I have a tenant moving out this week end!
  3. Ah he's been good to me I'll skip the "drive by" on this one! lol There is so much old stuff laying around this place.
  4. I had to share it with this community before it disappeared!
  5. Yes, the only problem is it belongs to the previous owner of the building I purchased. His grandfather started an auto parts business 85 yrs ago and he is shutting it down. That is I agreed to let h...
  6. No it is not designated. Although the town is looking at designating the area. There isn't much benefit in this town to have the designation. It is on a list of historically significant sites so it ...
  7. Yes pops the pictures have taken some digging around in old papers and such. An F3 tornado blazed it's way through the town center/square 2 years ago and we lost half a dozen old town commercial stru...
  8. Oh yes, I forgot to add you can follow progress at: https://www.facebook.com/53.Hamilton.st.Goderich.ON Thanks!
  9. Thanks for the loves! Now y'all can throw on your work clothes and come on down here and help me make this place look like it did 171 years ago! lol :)
  10. Yes, it is mine... because I love old things. I might live in it. I have one of the apartments gutted right now and it looks incredible with some newly exposed brick! There is some debate about the...
  11. This car isn't in that great of shape but still runs. Lucky for me I got it free! But worth lots more to me than I could get off ebay because it is tied to memories of Grandpa. I have seen some in ...
  12. Yes the one I have doesn't have any wood. It seems to be bigger and the hooks are a little straighter. It has a swivel connection on the top. My understanding is that mine would be used like a hor...
  13. very nice piece! I have a horse-drawn version of this. I want to get it hung on the wall somewhere but I can't get the lady of the house to agree to it! lol Great find!
  14. I forgot to add this link to a wooden tank model made by a WWII vet. It doesn't have anything to do with yours only it is a cool tank made by a Vet. A true testament to the skills of the servicemen ...
  15. I take that comment back about them not being mechanized until they arrived in Algiers... Wiki would suggest that they traded in their Valentines for Churchills prior to being deployed and that ther...
  16. lol yes tanks are cool. I would say that the other model is an early Valentine. Pictures I see from '41 and '42 the wheel config and fender detail are perfect as is the turret. I would say that ...
  17. So if you want the down and dirty... check out these two publications that can be read online.. http://www.scribd.com/doc/45652267/British-Tank-Markings-and-Names-1914-45 and... http://www.scribd.c...
  18. I would say that you can track these tanks to the British 8th Army in North Africa and later in Italy. All the vehicles in the European countries were marked with a white star after 1944 when Americ...
  19. Oh... Check out this forum conversations about the red-white-red markings. I had my suspicions that these where British markings and this would confirm that. WWI British tanks had white-red-white ma...
  20. From what I can gather the 5th Canadian was was attached to the British 8th Army from 1943 - 1945 in Italy. They left their equipment in the UK and used the British equipment that had come through No...
  21. Oh... and here is a preserved M5A1 Stuart at CFB Borden in Ontario Canada http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/ipmswinnipeg/Ontario/borden0009.jpg And... There is a couple more on this list. htt...
  22. I don't know if this helps but this article would indicate that there were M3's ordered for Canadian army in North Africa and they called them the "Lee". The turrets swapped out for a lower profile ...
  23. David perfect and no worries it is an unlikely hobby but I love digging into our local history and it is more fun if there is an objective! Cheers!
  24. This is great. Love to see the preserved interior!
  25. Thanks for the comment and welcome walksoftly! I dropped a note on one of your items.
  26. Ah yes nice, that's what I need parked beside the red coupe!
  27. lol Yes no doubt. The owner of the bible came from Sligo Co. Ireland to the freshly cleared forests of the Huron Tract in Ontario Canada in 1856. One of the last areas in south western Ontario to b...
  28. fhrjr2 -> your comments are still on ddubocq's Show and Tell post. Check out the link below. http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/46836-mystery-coin-of-dreams?in=user
  29. Thanks all for info, comments and loves.
  30. Could I actually produce a print using ink and a wood clamp or is that likely to damage it?
  31. Thanks Jason for that info!
  32. I need advice on category placement.
  33. So I just took a closer look and you can just see it a bit in the first photo. Just above the groove on the bottom there are what is probably ink stains and the groove is likely where it was clamped ...
  34. Thanks for these comments. The info I have read on wiki hasn't really helped me know exactly what it is. I also wondered if it was used for printing somehow. But I couldn't come up with a logical...
  35. This looks like a great back yard! Boy I'd love to have a truck like that in my back yard!
  36. Thanks for the new comments and loves! Hopefully it stays in the family for more generations!
  37. Ah if you could go back to the day they were thrown in!!
  38. Wow! Thanks for all the loves. So I am not the only one! Nobody else in my family wanted it. It was love at first site for me!
  39. See more


Atkins WildCat Pace Pedal Car Airplane pedal car and custom car Unknown Pedal Car John Deere Antique Fire Truck East Coast 1950s/60s Railroad Stock Certificates 1960s Pan Am, Hojos, and General Motors Stock Certificates very old ledger 1829 - 1836 Old Logger's Tool Keystone South Dakota 1899 Schoolhouse Great Grandfather's


posted 14 years ago